On the grounds of the St. Francis Retreat Center, San Juan Bautista.
I am fascinated with the concept of fluid dynamics; in even the simplest cases the complexity of ebb & flow is profound. Any particular arrangement of peaks and valleys lasts barely an instant, carved and defined by colliding and competing currents; each minute slice of time spawns a new and unique creation, in turn immediately transformed into an entirely different topography.
One can observe the scene for hours, witnessing an endless parade of utterly distinct canvases beyond count, yet leaving neither able to describe nor recall a single one in its elegant detail.
Chaos Theory #3204
(c)2009 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.
(click image for larger version)
Details: May 16, 2009; Canon 20D; f/16 @ 1/125 sec; -2/3 EV, ISO 400; 85mm.