As usual, the path to this paragraph's point is a bit convoluted: this morning I got the notion to take a few simple pictures of the pristine and humble little park near my house, which is a favorite spot of mine to meditate. Really, just an excuse to combine a bit of spiritual work and play. So, I managed to arrive at the park early enough in the morning to find decent lighting conditions (I was wanting to avoid the flat light of high Noon), and took a couple of unremarkable photos just to record the general scene. Meanwhile my good friend Jerry came by to join me for some conversation; we share a good deal of interests, photography and meditation being two. So we simply visited for a time, after which Jerry departed in order to tackle a myriad of chores. Once he left I sat in meditation for about 30 minutes. I was then considering my own obligations for the rest of the day (which were few), but decided to stroll around the (tiny) park a bit more, camera in hand, and let the Spirit move me. Aha! The babbling (artificial) brook might yield some nice shots . . . so I gave the water some attention, and noticed the interplay of bubbles and gurgling water over the various stones which pass for a creek bed. This reminded me that Jerry had only last night sent me a link to a website which is a clearing house for free digital photography lessons, and this week's assignment happens to be "bubbles." So -- I spent more than a few minutes photographing (among other things) bubbles. Lots of tiny bubbles.
Well, of the 20 or so images I took focused on the topic of bubbles . . . maybe two are worthy of admitting to; below is one:

(c)2008 James W. Murray, all rights reserved. 
(Click on the image to see full sized version.)
Personally, I find the composition to be okay, but frankly this isn't one of my better efforts. Mind you it required some patience awaiting for an array of bubbles to arrange themselves just-so. (It was fun kneeling over the sweetly murmuring water, however, on a day of ever-so-gentle hints of a breeze and perfect temperatures.) The rule of the "assignment" is that any submission to the site of an image must be taken within the time period specified for the assignment in question. Makes sense.
However, I have a far better image reflecting at least in part the concept of Bubble(s), which I happened to have captured directly across the street from my beloved park a year ago, in April 2007 . . . said photograph ranks high on my list of personal favorites from those I've taken in the past two years. As with the image above, considerable time was expended awaiting for the happy confluence of light reflections and bubbles in an interesting configuration . . . finding a solo globule hovering exactly over a an intersection within a metal grate was a sublime experience -- and no easy feat! Many attempts were made; one stood out.
So, without further delay, I hereby offer it up for public viewing for the first time (I regret to report that due to a lack of funding I was unable to acquire the requisite marching band and fireworks to accompany this unveiling):
There you have it. I'm most interested in your take on these images; for those who have been sitting on the edge of your desks awaiting the next chapter in my serialization of last weekend's retreat -- I will try to add some later today.
Thanks for looking!
Thanks for looking!
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