Monday, April 13, 2009

Seeing 2009 (#11)

An incredibly busy week has passed, which featured a rare and thus all-the-more discomforting depression midway through. Willingness to persist in trudging the path helped, along with frequent, perfectly timed (of course) nuggets of support from friends and loved ones.

Emerged from the fog in time to thoroughly enjoy a deliriously healing and entertaining evening of celebration, attended by more than eighty members of my family, both consanguineous as well as spiritual brother and sisters. Thus, thanks to the extended and persistent and loving efforts of my beautiful and wonderful wife Saturday afternoon and evening became of the three greatest experiences of my life (along with my wedding day and the installation of my Considered Images exhibit).

* * *

Below is a scene from a rather hot, humid and generally oppressive summer(!) visit to Houston. The sky was at most times a nearly homogeneous cloak of muggy smog. It was challenging both to weather the atmosphere and to mine photographic visions, of which this is one. The only alteration to this image was to brighten the sky, so as to yield a bit more abstractness. This pretty much encapsulates my views and feelings about Texas' largest city.

(Houston) Intruder, #8080

(c)2009 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: July 27, 2007; Canon 20D, f/16, 1/400 sec, ISO 400, 35mm.

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