Friday, January 22, 2010

Seeing 2010 (#12)

This evening I drove up to San Francisco to meet a friend, Gary, for dinner. Since it has rained nearly continuously locally for the past three days -- and more is forecast throughout this night and into tomorrow -- I chose to leave my camera at home.

Big mistake: despite driving through moderate downfall for much of the way, the city itself was sparkling clear with air as clean and crisp as it only can be after a multi-day scrubbing.

In lieu of new material, then, this submission is drawn again from my prior milieu of transparencies. This image was taken in Lake County on a winter's eve, at dusk, circa 1998. Beyond the well-structured geometry, the composition holds a sense of tension, even subtle danger: the branches seem to claw and reach for the trails above, as if to prey upon the unwitting cargo borne by the safely passed aircraft . . . jets which may have also barely avoided a quite different hazard.


(c)2010 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)


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