Monday, January 4, 2010

Seeing 2010 (#3)

Tonight's submission is an abstraction derived from a combination of unfamiliar terrain, a singularly unexpected object (a giant amongst peers) and sharply angled lighting which produces not only a highly textured surface but also striking and disproportionally large shadows.

A surprising degree of suggested motion exists here: the large ball's angled and rising shadow implies an ascent in in progress; the sweeping grooves above the parallel chains echo this vector. Below the shadow's march across the image are notches diving towards the bottom, offset by rising cuts and a comma swimming toward the frame's right edge.

And, finally, a mystery: from whence the jagged shadows? The lower line of orbs which sit on the surface? Or from their levitating kin floating above?

Abstract (Jovian Dreams), #5469

(c)2010 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: October 30, 2009; Canon 20D; f/11 @ 1/200 sec; -2/3 EV; ISO 100; 25mm.


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