The first is a sharply cropped portion of a larger photograph, originally in color. It is rare for me to significantly alter the boundaries of my original images - I tend to carefully compose in the camera viewfinder the scene structured as closely as possible to reflect my intended final rendering. Here, however, the removal of a considerable amount of extraneous material, combined with the monochromatic conversion, resulted in much greater focus and abstraction.
The second is a rare candid portrait of one my closest friends and spiritual mentors. Despite assurances that my photographic prowess does not include the power to capture my subjects' souls on film (nor CCD sensors), Victor is one of many who resist sitting for photographs. This is one of my better shots of him, and reflects his intensity, confidence and humility.
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Nice to see a photo of a very wise man who lives a really healthy balanced life...I feel lucky to see this man among other cavemen once a week.