The universe seems at once chaotic and kaleidoscopic on vast scale beyond comprehension. Yet amidst the apparent randomness exists an elegant and beautiful order. Consider our own Solar System: each of the the planets traces an endless circuit around the Sun in the same direction, and virtually on the same plane (the Ecliptic Plane) as the others. Similarly, galaxies -- massive collections of billions of stars each -- are found in one of only two general forms (or designs, if you prefer), elliptical and spiral. Billions of them.
So too on the microscopic end of things: the human body consists of arteries and veins laid out in a well-defined and specific topography . . . each channel awash in a myriad of elements including red and white blood cells, hormones, platelets, dissolved proteins and more . . .
At the quantum level things become ever odder: an electron's position can be surmised, or its velocity -- but never both simultaneously. Thus: an architecture of symmetry and uncertainty defines our very essence.
Here, an image illustrating such a landscape.
Cellular (Genesis), #8488
© 2010 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.
(click image for larger version)
Details: June 9, 2010; Canon 20D ; f/11 @ 1/80 sec; -2/3 EV; ISO 400; 100mm.
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