Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Seeing 2011 (#69)

For your consideration: a rare foray (personally) into post-processing abstraction beyond that presented prima facie by the scene at hand.

Taken from within the window immediately outside my office door, this tableau suggests a surreal, Orwellian melancholy . . . The lengthy telephoto lens employed greatly exaggerates the compression of this perspective, an effect which raises ill-defined and conflicting emotions of both yearning and resistance when I take it in.

The hint of a lush shade tree rests close beyond a sharply sloping wall, a barrier which recedes at an angle so sharp as to offer hope of being scalable to an escape just out of sight — a tease rendered acute and taunting by the claustrophobia inducing bars through which the view is espied.

More to the point: are we imprisoned gazing achingly outward, or is this the delusion? Perhaps our vantage point is that of a warden, albeit oblivious to the reality of own freedom.

Within You Without You, #1537

© 2011 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: April 28, 2011; Canon 20D; f/5.6 @ 1/5000 sec; —1/3 EV; ISO 400; 454mm.


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