Saturday, June 11, 2011

Seeing 2011 (#90)

For your consideration: a formal geometric abstraction — lines, tangents, cylinders and ellipse — arranged with a view towards contradictory thrusts . . . At once firmly anchored yet cast amidst zigzagging vectors, this steel pillar strives in vain to escape its Cartesian landscape, rooted to its shadow below.

An unexpected vision on the Rapture day of 2011 . . . ironic by its conflicting homages to steadfast strength and the presumptions of Fate.

Untitled, #2718

© 2011 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: May 21, 201; Canon 20D; f/14 @ 1/1252 sec; — 1/3 EV; ISO 100; Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 @ 12mm.


1 comment:

  1. That's simply brilliant. Your this photo is actual creating illusion about the height of the pole. A contest wining photo.
