Thursday, November 24, 2011

Seeing 2011 (#170)

For your consideration (after a bit of an absence) . . .

A sighting dear to my heart: a simple statue of an elk, considerably gussied-up, with a color scheme that pays more than just lip service to the gaudy and surreal end of the spectrum.

The specimen was spotted from the highway, stiffly standing in a grassy field between a small brick office and the motorway. Late afternoon, and not that you can tell, but also very nippy outside at the time (40's, with wind), in western New York state.

Several more angles will likely be posted on the smugmug site; for now one must be satisfied with gazing upwards at quite a rack.

Meanwhile, I've been at loss for an apropos title . . Dear (Deer) Me? Endearing Gaze? Oh, Dear!? I'm open for suggestions.

Untitled, #3837-7D

© 2011 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: November 18, 2011; Canon 7D; f/22 @ 1/60 sec; ±0 EV; ISO 400; Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 @ 16mm


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