Monday, July 30, 2012

Seeing 2012 (#91)

For your consideration:  a tiny slice of the cavernous workshop wherein all stage props are fashioned for the theatre productions put on by my current employer, San José State University.

This miniscule selection from the plethora of chaotic materiel strewn about was taken with a set of extension tubes combined with my 100mm macro, yielding a considerably enlarged view of microcosm I espied on a saw horse, of all things.  It evokes, for me, a sense of Pink Floyd meets Jacques Cousteau far beneath the sea: a creature at once Sonoran (the color and texture recall many cacti from my youth) and Martian, trumpeting loudly a series of notes to be interpreted by those who care about such alien communications.

Hey:  it's late, I've been putting in unfathomable hours preparing for the upcoming exhibit (see sidebar notice!), and I needed a momentary respite from matting and framing.  Thus, this.

Abstract Green Spew (Jealous Heart), #8931-7D

© 2012 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: June 13, 2012; Canon 7D; f/5.6 @ 1/400 sec; –2/3 EV; ISO 800;
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM


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