Well, Dear Reader (optimistically: "readers") — it's certainly been awhile.
Not that you (and this venue) have been far from my mind . . . 'twas not the case. Rather than conjuring up a plethora of semi-plausible excuses, I'll just note that, for this entry at least, I'm back.
As is undoubtedly true for all of us, given the passage of time, far too much has transpired to be recounted (particularly with the major traditional American holidays packed into the gap). The good news is that together we've emerged, intact, if not necessarily wiser. Speaking for myself, in any case.
The past year was particularly challenging for me. There were few areas of my life that were not laced and laden with some degree of duress. Compared to prior times and places on my path, I'd characterize the overall theme and tone as that of a contraction, or hibernation. The weather inside my cranium was too many days akin to that of Newfoundland.
Yet such immersions can incubate untapped strength, germinate unforeseen insights, spawn unexpected fortitude, and yield nascent resolve and optimism. Thus emanates resilience.
From darkness, then, light. From fallow soul, reincarnation — blossoming.
A half-century
point five:
The breath suggests
I'm yet alive;
The journey's amazements
are myriad 'tis true —
Not least among them:
a celebratory serenade
(duet with kazoo!)
Not least among them:
a celebratory serenade
(duet with kazoo!)
— James Murray, 2/25/2014
Appealing Orange Blossom, #0551-7D;
© 2014 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.
(click image for larger version)
Details: February 9, 2014, Canon 7D; f/11 @ 1/250 sec; ±0 EV; ISO 500;
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
Happy Birthday! I like your poem and this image. Lots of contrasts of color and textures. I wish you a year filled with lots of resolutions!