Friday, March 11, 2011

Seeing 2011 (#38)

For your consideration: an abstract study of a confluence of both symmetric, tightly controlled repetition and unexpected, seemingly arbitrarily imposed chaos.

This image poses a few mysteries: whence the diagonal shadows? Why the puncture wound? What of the (suggested, at least) acutely asymmetrical impact zone -- not only far removed from being an evenly distributed form around the apparent epicenter, but also strangely indicative of another contraction: what accounts for the paint streaks? Certainly not heat-induced melting.

Ah, the paint: the coat throughout seems fresh - relatively recently applied. Odd, then, the bare, rusting metal . . . deliberately avoided? Unlikely . . . but an explanation of what concussion would at once wipe the surface clean yet leave the ridged structure intact is quite elusive.

This canvas is laden with incongruities, puzzles seeking the limits and creativity of your speculations.

Dissection, #0110

© 2011 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: February 27, 2011; Canon 20D; f/7.1 @ 1/320 sec; ±0 EV; ISO 200; 176mm.


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