Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Seeing 2012 (#46)

For your consideration: a succulent, succinct scene illustrating the pros and cons of being armed to the teeth, and the possible polarity of an incomplete ying vs. yang relationship.

Upon close reflection one finds that this photograph conveys considerable energy, paradoxically in an arrangement which also functions as a study in stasis. The plunging diagonal is sharply interrupted by the thorn jutting forth as if a contrary, cresting wave; the wound itself, clearly a scar of some duration, also mimics an undulating gamete.

Despite graceful arcs and a soothing palette a potent sense of caveat emptor prevails.

Pointed Remark / Caustic Cactus, #6268-7D

© 2012 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: March 23, 2012; Canon 7D; f/8 @ 1/332 sec; —2/3 EV; ISO 400;
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM


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