Monday, April 30, 2012

Seeing 2012 (#60)

For your consideration:  a floating city of sorts, which could be mistaken for a castle in the sky in this flattened perspective.  The foreground, being the blurred effect of gently arriving waves over the duration of the thirty-second exposure, might also substitute with cruel irony as a layer of light crude beneath, awaiting plunder, were this a cut-away diagram rather than a long-telephoto image.

Capturing the miraculously buoyant edifice at considerable distance with clarity and sharpness was particularly challenging.  It was hard enough to find a true focus point even when using a view-finder magnifier;  the lingering, ethereal, yet definitely present mist in the night air (wonderfully temperate though it was)  added to the challenge.  Still, producing this photograph was undoubtedly easier than the toiling taking place on board that floating metal platform.

The thought comes to mind:  not all that glitters beautifully on the horizon, as inviting beacons in  dark, unfathomable expanses, are benevolent creatures . . .

Derrick and Surf, Carpinteria, CA, #7110-7D

© 2012 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: April 28, 2012; Canon 7D; f/7.1 @ 30 sec; ±0 EV; ISO 320;
Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM @ 170mm


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