Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Seeing 2013 (#6)

For your consideration:  a study inspired by one the earliest of my influences, Andre Kertesz.  He was a master (naturally) of elegant simplicity in his still life compositions, imagery which feature strong lighting and consequent shadow play.

Continuing a theme which has held my attention for quite some time, the frequent observation, discovery and experience of larger realities which often exist beyond surface characteristics, this submission provides a case in point.  Had I set the illumination from a different angle the true nature of this photographic subject would be beyond any reasonable perception;  not much of any interest could be said of the coiled tube per se.

A bit of meditation unveils a more pointed understanding, that the central essence of this scene is utterly ethereal.  This is something to note.  C'est n'est pas une pipe, as it were.

Among some of my compatriots the phrase more will be revealed is well known and understood.  Pay attention:  there is always more to be gleaned from the universe in which we are largely unconsciously immersed.

(C)2013 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.
Trumpet Etude, #1818-7D; 

© 2013 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: January 13, 2013, Canon 7D; f/32 @ 1/40 sec; ±0 EV; ISO 200;
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM


Visit my full photographic repository at jwmurray.smugmug.com

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