The eggs were shot in intense overhead sunlight, outdoors; this image is one of many taken as preliminary studies for some ideas I've been quietly nurturing for at least a decade. My eventual goal is to present a series emphasizing subtleties in form and texture by means of offering the viewer the challenge and puzzle of what primary characteristic distinguishes one egg from another (amongst a clutch of only the white variety).
However, in this case Mom made a rare contribution to the creative process by pointing that she had a crate of brown eggs handy . . . this rendered moot my original goal as stated above, yet introduced a more entertaining, even surprising element to the scene. (Consider this an embryonic first public display of my egg series.)
Eggs #3834 (version II)
(c)2009 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.
(click image for larger version)
Details: July 4, 2009; Canon 20D; f/11 @ 1/800 sec; -2/3 EV; ISO 100; 41mm.

The image below is an outcome of my continued delight with night photography. Not so very long ago my beautiful wife (see post# 40) and I took in a film at San Jose's Santana Row; afterwards, as we returned to our car, I noticed the striking lighting and dramatic rays formed by the deliberate furrows in the theater's back concrete wall. I returned to the scene late the following night, and was rewarded by noticing the imperative in the asphalt, which here provides a superb reinforcing compositional anchor for this strictly structured, forceful tableau.

Door(s) Stop #3809
(c)2009 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.
(click image for larger version)
Details: June 28, 2009; Canon 20D; f/11 @ 2.5 sec; -2/3 EV; ISO 200; 31mm.
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