Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Seeing 2010 (#7)

It was on the stormy side today, in that slate gray, amorphous, blustery and wet style characteristic of what passes for winter in northern California.

Thus this offering: a rather more interesting display of the majesty possessed by some species of clouds . . . gauzy giants such as these habitually dominate the summer skies in my beloved southern Arizona; this image captures a rare local appearance, near San Juan Bautista. I remain endlessly fascinated by the power and perpetually changing beauty created in these towering structures comprised of millions of indistinct water droplets. An example of a whole which profoundly exceeds the aggregate of its constituent parts.

Clouds, St. Francis Retreat Center, #8437

(c)2010 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: September 23, 2007; Canon 20D; f/13 @ 1/500 sec; ±0 EV; ISO 200; 85mm.



  1. Great pic James. I really like how youe were able to retin a lot of detail in the tree in the foreground.....Mike C

  2. Yeah, the clouds look like fluffy mashed potatoes...oops, the holidays are over, back to the same ole, same ole...HI MC, "peanuts!"
