Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Seeing 2009 (#71)

This image was taken near sunset, during a stroll on Cambria's Moonstone Beach.

This composition presents mysteries to me: what is the source of that dramatic groove ripping through the sand? What caused the subtle circles? Even the foot: for some time I mistook it for a canine print . . .

For me the scene evokes a contemplation on our origins: an unusually formed imprint from an ambiguous species; the stone seems to move through its sandy milieu, cutting a wake in its path much as does our tiny rock Earth as it perpetually swims against the solar wind; the vector which bisects the canvass (origin unclear even when I took this photograph) hints at upward trends - progress, perhaps. (We can hold out hope.)

Cambria (Beach Evolution), #4603

(c)2009 James W. Murray, all rights reserved.

(click image for larger version)

Details: September 5, 2009; Canon 20D; f/9 @ 1/160 sec; -2/3 EV; ISO 100; 49mm.

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